When I finished my position at ESRF in 2017, I searched for a new job. I was offered a short term contract in Beijing, China working on a new synchrotron light source there. I also found an offer in Karlsrhue, Germany at the KIT. Having met David Bruhwiler, the president of RadiaSoft in Boulder, CO at several conferences, I told him at this time that I was searching for a new position and would consider RadiaSoft. Several months later he responded, saying the x-ray optics grant had received further funding, and so there was an opening at RadiaSoft. After interviewing and visiting, I was offered the position, and moved back to the US to start this work with RadiaSoft.

My current projects include the Radia magnet design software and the Zgoubi particle tracking code, particularly related to spin polarization in electron ion colliders.